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Terry Carlson

I am a proud member of the International Association Machinists /Wood Workers Union W536. I am currently the Recording Secretary and Organizer. I am also the Vice President of the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Central Labor Council. Throughout my career in the timber industry, I have worked everywhere in the 19th LD. Our family is a union household. I know the opportunities and struggles families experience every day. It is important to represent all citizens of our district.

Terry Walk Piece Aug 24 image_Page_1.png
Terry Walk Piece Aug 24 image_Page_2.png

Improving Infrastructure

Building a better future for our district starts with a strong infrastructure. Our roads, bridges, and public services are the backbone of our community, and I am committed to ensuring they receive the attention they deserve. Regular maintenance and upgrades are essential to making our transportation systems safe and efficient for everyone. By investing in infrastructure projects, we create immediate job opportunities that benefit the entire district. In recent years, we've seen neighboring districts secure more substantial infrastructure investments, while our district has often been overlooked. We need leadership that will actively and effectively advocate for the resources we deserve, ensuring that our community can grow and thrive just as much as those around us. I will work tirelessly to bring the necessary resources to the 19th District, proving that with the right representation, we can achieve more.

Supporting Working Families

Supporting working families means standing with workers—especially those who are the lowest paid—by advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and reliable benefits. I believe in listening to the concerns of workers and their unions, and I will support legislation that protects their rights and ensures they have a voice in decisions that affect their lives. My commitment is to be a reliable ally, pushing for policies that promote job security, career growth, and the overall well-being of working families in our community. Unfortunately, under the current leadership, many working families in our district have felt unheard and unsupported. The existing policies have not adequately addressed the needs of our most vulnerable workers, leaving them struggling to make ends meet. It’s time for new leadership that will truly stand up for working families, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are protected. With a fresh approach, we can create an environment where every worker in our district has the opportunity to thrive and build a better future for their families.

Improving Access to Affordable Healthcare

Improving access to affordable healthcare is vital for the well-being of our community. Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege, and I am dedicated to making sure that everyone in the 19th District can access the care they need without financial hardship. This includes advocating for expanded healthcare coverage, lowering prescription drug costs, and ensuring that rural areas have the healthcare facilities and providers they require. I will work to remove barriers to healthcare access and push for policies that make quality care affordable and accessible for all. Unfortunately, the current leadership, including Representative Joel McEntire, has not prioritized affordable healthcare in our district. McEntire has consistently opposed measures aimed at expanding healthcare access and reducing costs, such as opposing hospital staffing bills that would have improved patient care by addressing understaffing issues. This resistance to critical healthcare reforms highlights the need for new leadership that will prioritize the health and well-being of our community. It's time for a change that ensures every resident of the 19th District has access to the healthcare they deserve​

Bringing Family Wage Jobs to Our District

Job creation that supports working-class families will be a top priority during my time in Olympia. By attracting new industries and supporting local businesses, we can generate well-paying jobs that offer fair wages and safe working conditions. I am also dedicated to implementing job training programs that equip our community members with the skills they need to succeed. Encouraging local hiring and apprenticeships will further ensure that job growth benefits everyone in our district. Together, we can build a business- friendly environment that values fair labor practices and fosters long-term career growth. However, the current leadership in our District has not done enough to address the economic challenges facing our district. We have seen too many missed opportunities to attract new industries and provide the training necessary for our workforce to thrive. It's time for a change. We need leadership that will prioritize job creation and ensure that every working family in our district has access to the opportunities they deserve. With the right representation, we can bring about the economic growth and stability that our district needs.

Housing Security for Seniors

Housing security for seniors is a cornerstone of my campaign. Ensuring that our seniors have a safe and affordable place to call home is essential for their well-being. My commitment to this issue is grounded in the belief that our elders should be able to live with dignity and stability, knowing they have a secure environment. By focusing on affordable housing solutions and support services, I will work to create a community where our seniors are respected, valued, and well-cared for.

Reproductive Rights

Protecting choice and ensuring that every individual has the right to make decisions about their own body is a core principle of my platform. I am committed to safeguarding reproductive rights and ensuring that comprehensive reproductive healthcare services are accessible to everyone in our district. In the face of any efforts to roll back reproductive freedoms, I will stand firm and work to expand access to these critical health services for everyone.

Common-Sense Gun Safety

As a rural Democrat, I understand the importance of responsible gun ownership in our community. Our traditions and way of life depend on the safe and lawful use of firearms. I believe in protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens while also advocating for common-sense measures that keep our communities safe. This includes supporting background checks to ensure that guns don't end up in the wrong hands, promoting gun safety education, and working to prevent gun violence in our schools and public spaces. While respecting the Second Amendment, we can take practical steps to safeguard our families and neighbors. It's about finding the balance between upholding our freedoms and ensuring that we have the necessary protections in place to maintain public safety. As your representative, I will work to bring both sides together to craft solutions that honor our traditions and keep our communities secure.

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